Herzlich Willkommen!!!

Ich habe einen Traum!

Ich träume von einer Welt als Ort der Sicherheit...
Ich träume von einer Welt als Ort der Freiheit...
Ich träume von einer Welt als Ort der Liebe...
Ich träume von einer Welt, in der wir alle unsere wahre Bestimmung leben!

Nur ICH kann damit beginnen und meinen ganz persönlichen Teil beitragen, indem ich MEINE Welt, meinen Platz in meinem Inneren so gestalte, dass er ein Ort der Liebe und der Geborgenheit ist.

Und DU kannst es auch!

Dieser Blog soll ein Sammelbecken für die Dinge sein, welche mir auf meinem Weg zu mir begegnen. Sei herzlich eingeladen in den Beiträgen herum zu stöbern und Deine Spuren zu hinterlassen.

Ich freue mich! ♥ Priska

Mittwoch, 1. Februar 2012

Newsletter Chuck Spezzano

Hier der Newsletter für Februar vom fantastischen Chuck Spezzano. So wies aussieht, hält der aktuelle Monat einige Schätze für uns bereit!

Hier könnt ihr auch die gesprochene Version hören.

The theme for the month of February is like the line from the old song by the Eurythmic’s “Sweet Dreams Are Made Of This.” February could definitely be a month of having your dreams come true. In general there is a lightening and a quickening in February with sweet grace bringing delight. This would reflect getting over the hidden fear that has held us back. 
On the other hand if we have fear dreams, sick dreams or death dreams this could also show itself in you or in those around you. This would then be a time for intense healing using the opportunity of seeing it manifest around you to make another choice and ask Heaven to transform it. You could use words of healing power such as “This is not the truth. This is not Heaven’s Will for me. And it is not my true will for myself.” Use these words often for yourself and those around you but let Heaven transform it for you with you merely following any inspiration you receive. To help those around you, who are reflecting your deeper mind, you are asked to simply join them mind to mind in love. This makes the bad dreams fall away for both of you. 

Remember they are reflections in your mirror. As Rumi said, “You are the mirror and the face in it.”Forgive them and yourself continuously. Let them not represent your hidden guilt as illness and problems
represent projected guilt not only for the one sick but also for those around them.

The collective unconscious has begun moving through more advanced students for healing. So besides your personal, ancestral and soul issues, there is the opportunity to help take strides for humanity.
In the collective unconscious, there may be a great burgeoning on the earth of Illness or plague. Forgive it for your sake and for the sake of humanity. It is a bad dream from the collective unconscious about separation.Remember at the deepest level, dreams are wish fulfillment whether they are waking or sleeping dreams. Just like in nighttime dreams, in our waking dreams we typically take no responsibility for the life we are dreaming. If we did we would regain true power that begins with the recognition that we made a mistake and can now choose love over fear and trust over separation.

The first week of February brings our openness to God and Love-Light as the theme. It can be miraculous and transcendent, an amazing week of letting your dreams come true and leaping forward in consciousness and even beyond consciousness to God-Realization.

When Divine Presence is welcomed your self-love grows from the Love that comes in.In The second week Nature brings sustenance and healing as we are more connected and can receive the nurturance and enjoy the beauty.The third week is a rich week for healing our Failure Conspiracies and as a result transforming our lives.

The fourth week is about transcending the Great War in the unconscious of Self-Love and Self-Hatred. All the Great Wars generate duality and fear and the ego’s purpose in them is to keep us in dark dreams with no thought of moving forward.

The highest dreams are inspired by Heaven. Let Heaven help you know what you really want. Heaven’s guidance leads back to the Garden.
May your Wildest, Happiest Dreams Come True!

Chuck Spezzano
Nightlight Newsletter
February 2012
Kaneohe, Hawaii

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